
2D Game: ...2D_Game (New)
Reason For Banishment: Not used enough.
Cat Lasers: ...cat_lasers (Normal)
Reason For Banishment: Not used enough, and not useful enough.
WarTime (Deceased)
Reason For Banishment: Couldn't will myself to finish it.
Dodge Stuff (Deceased)
Reason For Banishment: Couldn't will myself to finish it.
Random Things (Deceased)
Reason For Banishment: Not used enough, and I also broke the code.
I made this MiniSite because some of my projects have been not used as much, or never made it to site for some reason. If they get enough attention, I'll bring them back, but if they go un-noticed for a while, they become deleted forever.
There are 4 different states for the projects that are here:

New: They just arrived at TrashCan, and won't be deleted soon.
Normal: They have been at TrashCan for a little bit, there is still a chance to save them.
Dying: They will soon be deleted, this is your last chance to save them.
Deceased: These projects are deleted, and you can no longer visit them, only their name is displayed.
Reformed: These projects have been changed into something else or something new, and are back on the main page,